
Bauhinia Kockiana - A Finicky Vine

Still reeling from that loss of a Bauhinia Kockiana vine, it would be over a year that I took another interest on this beautiful vine. This time, we had a chance to go to a garden show called the Los Banos Flower and Garden Show in Los Banos, Laguna. The garden show is held at the Social Hall inside the UPLB.

One of the stalls was selling a couple of Bauhinia kockiana's: a small one priced at Php150 and a bigger one at Php250. As I was still upset that my first expensive vine died almost two years ago without even flowering, I was wary. And so I just wanted to buy the smaller vine.

Marcotted Bauhinia Kockiana

The seller, who's a well known vendor even in Centris told us that her vines were marcotted from her plants in Laguna although they also have a branch in Amadeo Cavite. When I asked why this vine isn't so common, she said she has many of these vines planted along her fence. She propagates these via air-layering.

Although I wanted to just get the small one, she convinced me to buy the bigger and more robust vine. Well it's been two years, surely I bad luck should have rubbed off by now I thought.

Here's the Bauhinia Kockiana I bought for Php250.

It's much cheaper than the Centris/Sidcor prices. I suppose the sellers here at the garden show don't have to pay a hefty amount for stall fees like in Centris. Notice that it even has new growth sprouting at the base.

Overfertilized with Osmocote?

This time I was more cautious. I simply put in a bit of osmocote in the pot. After all, the vine looks stable enough. The pot was then placed on top of a fence post that probably gets sunshine 7 hours a day. It's a prime spot actually for sun-loving plants.

After a couple of weeks, the dreaded brown and black spots appeared on the leaves. Although this time, I was thinking it was because of the scorching heat of the sun. After another week, it seemed the black spots were increasing.

I removed the potted plant from the fence post and put it near the front fence on the ground. At this location, it will be getting sunlight for just around 3 hours a day.

After a week, it was no longer improving. And so I just put it away in a shaded area so it could somehow recover.

String of Bad Luck with the Bauhinia Kockiana

Unfortunately, it would not recover. More of its leaves became black and some have shed. After several months in the shade and with many leaves gone, the poor vine just wilted.

So what was it that caused this leaf scorch? I've read that the Bauhinia Kockiana is a finicky vine at a young age. Not that it needs special tender loving care or much attention. No. What it needs is to be left alone. That means not to fertilize it, not to over water it, and not to constantly move it from one place to another.

I've read in some websites that Singaporeans don't mind this plant too much yet it thrives - just like weeds. I suppose that's the secret. To not overly attend to this plant once procured. After all, nobody tends the weeds yet they still grow.