DIY Mosaic Pots with Ceramic Tiles - Applying the Tile Grout

(This is the continuation of Part 2)

This may, arguably, be the fun part of the DIY Mosaic Garden Pot project, if not the dirtiest part. In this stage, you'll be working on filling in the spaces in between tiles of the mosaic and further securing them to the pot. Other than black, there are other available tile grout colors like gray and white. In a way, tile grouting gives a touch of color syle to the finished mosaic pot.

Applying the Tile Grout

  1. Before you add the tile grout, it is best to feel if there is tile adhesive that sticks out with the tiles. This is tile adhesive that may have been pushed out from beneath the tile pieces and dried. If so, use an old screwdriver to scrape off this excess tile adhesive.

    Ideally, there should be some space between the tiles for the grout to fill. Edges and points of broken tiles can be extremely sharp so wear garden gloves to protect your hands from injury.

  2. After scraping off the dried tile adhesive, use a laundry brush to scrub away dust and debris. Ensure none remains on the pot and in between tiles.

  3. Prepare the tile grout. Scoop some tile grout and put into a disposable plastic bowl with water. Follow the mixing ratio provided in the package label of the tile grout. Tile grout is extremely fine so wear a face mask to avoid breathing in the dust.

  4. Mix thoroughly until fine and consistent.

  5. Apply the mixed tile grout on the side of the garden pot with a spatula.

  6. When the tile grout starts to become tacky, moisten your fingers with water. This way, you are able to spread the tile grout further and push into spaces or cracks between tiles.

  7. Spread out the tile grout away from the tiles and into the spaces between the tiles with your fingers. Wear protective rubber gloves if you are prone to skin irritation.

  8. Add tile grout at the bottom edge of the garden pot. This is to fill spaces in between the jagged corners of the bottom tiles. Flatten and smoothen the bottom edge by lightly brushing with your finger.

  9. Use a bowl of water and an old sponge or piece of foam to remove excess grout on the tiles. An old piece of foam is better than a new one because it is softer as it slides easily across the tiles. It is more absorbent and will readily catch wet grout from tiles.

  10. Dip the foam in the water and then slightly squeeze out the water. Lightly brush sideways the moist foam across the tiles as shown in the arrow direction below. This motion traps the extra tile grout from the tiles and into the foam. Some small tile pieces may have been buried by all the grout that was spread around, so continue the light brushing until these smaller tiles resurface.

    Ensure, however, that you don't unnecessarily remove too much grout. Doing so will expose the sharp edges and points of the tiles that you wanted covered in the first place. Occasionally squeeze out the water and the excess tile grout into the bowl of water.

  11. When the bottom edge of the garden pot has dried, put the pot upright to work on the rim. As with the bottom edge of the pot, add tile grout along the top edge to ensure all spaces are filled. Smoothen and flatten the tile grout on the top edge with light feathering strokes.

  12. After the tile grout has partially dried, inspect the tiles that may have grout on them. Remove this tile grout by wrapping a damp rag on your finger and then scratch out the grout.

  13. You may straigthen grout lines on the tiles by using an old screwdriver to scrape away the excess grout. This will result in cleaner grout look on lthe tiles.
    (See continuation of this article in Part 4 - Sealing the Tile Grout)

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