Homemade Garden Pot Cover for Rains

In a previous article, I discussed a simple homemade solution to prevent rains from overwatering your potted outdoor garden plants. Not all plants are created equal, and some, like the Mandevillas cannot tolerate continuous daily rains. The homemade solution in the article made use of an old dining table placemat for an effective garden pot cover.

If you don't have an old placemat or something similar, there's another way of making a garden pot cover.

Here's how you can make use of disposable plastic trays that are found in supermarkets and bakeshops. The procedure is essentially the same as discussed before but with a few modifications.

Prevent Overwatering - Garden Pot Cover

Many flowering plants benefit from plenty of sunshine like the Red Mandevillas shown on the left. So it's sensible to locate them outside even if they're planted in garden pots. Having them outside though poses some problems when the rainy season comes.

Mandevillas simply hate being overwatered. Mandevillas have tuberous roots that already store water, and therefore watering needs to be done sparingly. I learned this the hard way way when one of my Pink Mandevillas died after receiving daily rains for five days.