Bleeding Heart Vine Flower (Glory bower)

It's been quite a while since clusters or cymes of Bleeding Heart (Glorybower) flowers have sprouted. Finally today, the corolla has emerged from one flower giving the characteristic blood-red color.

Shown below is a time-lapse photography sequence of the flower culminating in the sprouting of the dark red corolla:

Taken October 3
A cluster or cyme is taking shape with one flower maturing ahead of the others.

Taken October 11
The rest of the flowers in the cyme are growing and still have the greenish color.

The mature ones become paper-white in color.

Taken October 12
The paper-white calyxes (or bracts) of the mature flower are starting to open. There are 5 calyxes for each flower. Notice that each calyx is shaped like a heart.

Taken October 13
The bud of the corolla inside is slowly coming out and takes on a purple color.

Taken October 14
The bud is all the way outside of the calyxes and ready to pop the corolla.

Taken October 15
The dark-red corolla finally sprouting. Notice the 4 long stamens pointing downwards and the thin style (long end of the pistil) pointing to the left.

This one took a little more than 2 weeks to sprout.

Here's some additional information on the flowers from
Flower of Clerodendrum thomsoniae.

This is a spectacular plant when in flower. The small, slightly flat flowers have inflated, balloon-like white calyxes from which emerge brilliant crimson or dark red corollas with prominent stamens and style (the elongated part of the pistil) that extend way beyond the petals. The flowers are borne in terminal clusters (cymes) of 8-20 together. The flowers last several months, although the red corolla is short lived. As they age, the flowers turn from white to pale pink or lavender, then eventually become tan as they dry up. It will bloom most of the year given sufficient light and warmth, but is most prolific in summer. If pollinated, the flowers will produce fruits. The green fruits ripen to a red to black color before splitting open to reveal four black seeds against a fleshy, bright orange interior.

Even though it is vine or liana, it is also a somewhat bushy climber. The glossy, dark green, oval leaves are 5-7" long with smooth edges and pointed on the end. In its native habitat it can grow 10-15 feet tall, but as a container plant will remain much smaller. Provide some type of support, such as a trellis, if you want to let it ramble as a vine. It can also be kept pruned or pinched back into a shrub-like form (or be left to mound up on itself). It works well in a hanging basket. It is a vigorous grower when provided with sufficient water and fertilizer.

Here's a photo of the present plant on the trellis showing the cymes.

A closer view of the cymes and a few corollas.

Some info on its cultivation:
Clerodendrum thomsoniae is easily grown in containers.

This plant needs direct sun in order to bloom well; a sunny window may be sufficient if you don't move the container outdoors for the season. Water and fertilize regularly when actively growing. Use a rich, but well-drained potting medium and keep moist but not wet. Since C. thomsoniae blooms on new growth, it is best to cut the plant back after blooming. Thin out old overcrowded shoots and any other far-reaching growth to keep the vine in bounds - don't be afraid to prune severely. Bleeding heart vine has few pests, but mealybugs and spider mites can occasionally be problems.

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